Thursday 10 September 2009

Nanny State


New laws have been dreamt up to MAKE EVERYTHING SAFE YAYYYY!!!! At a huge cost to the general community and to personal choice/liberty/rights and skaters.

"Dear Rachel Nolan

I am writing to say that I think the new wheeled recreation device laws are ridiculous, for several reasons which I would like to draw to your attention.

Firstly, you say that these laws are not anti-fun, but pro-safe. This in my opinion is a dense statement. If it is too dangerous for someone on a wheeled recreational device to be on a suburban street after dark (one without a median line, as the previous law states), then it should also be too dangerous for someone to walk on a road or street after dark.

I see no difference to a bicycle being ridden, a pedestrian walking, or someone using a WRD. If lack of visibility is a safety concern, then implement laws requiring pedestrians and WRD users to wear high visibility garments/flashing lights, as cyclists are required to do. Banning them outright is simply ridiculous.

I believe your statement claiming that rollerblades and skateboards cannot be fitted with flashing lights and reflective equipment is outright stupid. There is more than enough room on any WRD to fit a flashing light, and there is certainly enough room on a human body to fit a flashing light or reflector. I think it would be far wiser to create a law making helmet wearing mandatory for WRD users. This would a), increase the SAFETY of users, and b) provide the possibility for users to place flashing lights and reflectors on them, to increase their visibility and SAFETY.

If the QLD government claims to be trying to do things to better the general health of the community, and the current health care system shows that unhealthy people are a huge burden on the state, then why are such laws restricting people from exercising after dark being implemented?

The QLD government also claims to be trying to do things to increase traffic congestion, and deal with global warming by encouraging public transport use and alternative Green transport options. Removing the ability for a normal working adult to travel after dark using a WRD is both hypocritical and morally questionable.

I happen to agree that WRD should not be ridden on roads with a speed limit of more than 50km/h, and coupled with restrictions on roads with a median line, and a general increase in community safety and awareness in relation to WRD – this should be more than sufficient to ensure the safety of all road users – without impeding on the rights of Queensland citizens to exercise and travel in an environmentally friendly way.

There is a huge public outcry to these laws, and if you are truly a government of the people then they should be amended at once, as they stand to better the community in no conceivable way. Yours Concerned citizen"

send to:


GPO Box 2644, BRISBANE QLD 4001


Our beloved transport minister is also a lead footed driver.

What these people are doing is fucked. Some of my best times have been had out skating the 'burbs on a summer night, I'm just happy its only a $40 fine, would pay that for a night skating, you'd pay more than that for a night out in the Valley.

These are not good signs.

NSW is trying to ban energy drinks because some year 7 girls drank them and felt dizzy. Holy fucking shit, nice going guys.

Ban fucking scissors because someone cut themselves once. Ban fucking chairs because if you are fat from not being able to skate it may break and you might get hurt. Ban FUCKING water because you might choke and die.

Ban everything; ban personal liberties and rights. The concept of personal responsibility?Not important. Concept of parents making sure their kids don't drink 7 V drinks and die? Parents can't be trusted. ALL HAIL THE ALP AND LIBERAL PARTY, YOU KNOW BEST FOR EVERYONE.

Welcome to the future, everything is rosey fucked.

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