Saturday 9 May 2009

Planet Earth, Mars... Yellow... Planet Disco...

Last Friday night Maddy, Chris, Oliver and myself went to the Top Floor Art Gallery on Elizabeth Street in Brissy to see a few local indie bands as well as the more widely known band Richard in Your Mind.

Easily the best $10 I've spent in long time. BYO is (Y) too.

The first band was Maddy's sister Vanessa's band, Sweet Fawn. They play awesome folky/poppy/acoustic awesomeness with just the guitar, cello and violin. Wonderful sounds and Vanessas quirky and fun lyrics (and interpretive dance times) and her wonderful voice are
wonderful. Check them out at:

The next band to play was, who we only watched for a little bit before getting food. Sounded great though.


When we got back we had a chill, drank some beer and watched as a lovely little lady in red stockings set up for her set.

This was McKisko, and she was amazing. She had an acoustic guitar, a keyboard and a glokenspeel, and was accompanied by a drummer; but I think she could have just used her voice and kept the crowd in awe. Her voice was gorgeous, so emotionial without being fake and corny, which I hate.

She used her keyboard to set loops of tracks and in some tracks kept building up these layers of sounds, with her voice piercing the room over the top of these.

On the final track she got up from the keyboard and picked up her glokenspeel and stood at the front of the stage striking the keys as the rest of the sounds were slowly wound back down by the sound mixer dude. So good!

Check her out:

After McKisko it was time for more beer and wine.

The atmosphere in this place was warm and fantastic. Probably only 30 or so people in there at one time, with an assortment of old lamps around the outside of the room providing ambient light. There were couches and cushions, but most people were just sitting on the floor.

(some unknown people)
(Me having a chill on Maddy's lap)

(Maddy just being gogeous and stuff)


The final act of the night was of course Richard in Your Mind (, who I knew a bit from hearing them on 4ZZZ. But holy crap, did they put on a good show. Richard was either drunk or stoned or a combination of both... and was funny as hell. He stumbled and put on a strange accent and tripped out at the sparkly roof, the yellow light and the disco ball (hence this blogs title) and generally was just rad. Their sound is psychedelic and loud and fun, and by the end of the set everyone was up stomping to his satan inspired chant featuring the rest of the band in the crowd with percussion instruments, and him singing with a megaphone and his mojo stick. So awesome. Here's a some pics from the set:

(people having a groove)

(Richard with the mojo stick)

And there you have it. Awesome night :)

(All photos copyright Thomas Pugh 2009)

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